Thursday, September 29, 2011


Are more of you watching?? Are you liking the nicer side of Simon?? Am I the only one liking this show????

loved McKenna and Brock, poor Brock in love with her and she has no idea, very sweet..and how about 14 year old Drew doing a remake of the Beiber she was so happy and excited and hello 16 year old Skyelor whose music stopped and he just kept going like a true professional already..and even when the singers aren't great they may say their voices are good but we like your spunk, attitude, with Peet Monzingo what a sweet good kid growing up with little people parents, or as they themselves called it dwarfs and having to deal with all the mean rude people making fun of them, regardless they are a tight loving family, I just dig seeing this kind of stuff....not sure America is gonna catch on might be a little too positive!!