Thursday, April 29, 2010

Down to 5!!

Hey I got it right!! Siobhan was sent home on last night's Idol....thank god they no longer have to sing the song that they got kicked off for, wasn't it a sweet moment when Siobhan was hugging her family and friends in the audience after singing and then the judges...only 1 chick left and this was supposed to be the year of the gals damn it! But that one chick Crystal is gonna win the whole freaken thing, don't get too cocky boys!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Soooo Glad!

I was wrong with Pam being sent home on DWTS and I am glad cause it meant Jake is finally out of here...he is just so creepy to me, could he have been anymore of an actor as he was giving his goodbye speech please I have seen that act way too many times when he was the bachelor...bye bye Jakeeeboy!

On last night's Idol Shania Twain was the mentor, she is just so pretty and sweet.....damn this is a hard one everyone did alright, although I didn't care for Siobhan but the judges thought it was great.... Aaron singing his song to his mom that was so sweet...damn it this is just so freaken tough...don't care that the judges for the first week didn't like Crystal's performance she is still so safe...

Crapzola....we will say Lee, Big Mike and Siobhan in the bottom 3 with Siobhan going home...I know I am most likely wrong this is a tough week!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hodge Podge

Len and his phrase hodge podge of sexy moves, whatever guy my girl Nicole still had the highest score of the night on last night's DWTS! He is so into the technical part of dancing, we know it's a dancing competition but it's also entertainment, loosen up!

Not only did Nicloe have the highest score of the night, she also won the swing dance marathon, that trophy is getting closer and closer to her hands!!

Arnie's pick of Evan, had a rough night last night scoring the lowest he has scored all season but he's safe, he is such a likeable funny guy, don't ya agree?!! While Rob's pick of Ochocinco has his highest score of the season so far but they didn't beat out Nicole who again had the highest!!

Thinking it may be time for Pamela to go home or Niecy....let's say Pamela will be saying bye bye tonight!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Idol Gives Back

Okay I am getting ready for Aunt Flo to pay me a visit so I am super emotional so I totally fast forwarded thru all the Idol gives back stories! I would have been a sobbing mess, but from what I did see of them some awesome charities that will benefit from last night...

yeah, yeah yeah Siobhan was safe, strange cause she has gotten so boring maybe it's just me, well must be since she didn't get voted off! Casey(hottie!) and Tim were in the bottom 3 like I said along with sweet little Aaron and it was time for Tim to go, what a bummer for him he was finally finding himself and doing so much better...

Super excited for the Finale of Project Runway tonight!!! I have yet to blog about it but I have been watching all this season!! WTF!! Well I will for the finale!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Buh, buh bye bye Kate!/Crystal is the Winner

Thank God, Kate is finally gone on DWTS! Everyone keeps saying how strong she is, I think they are mistaking her trance like state for strength, wake up Kate wake up!! What a class act her partner Tony is you could see how fed up he was with her yet stayed professional and said great things about her while she 'needed a moment'.....does her acting ever stop.....well at least on DWTS it does!!

Onto Idol...seriously let's just call it know, Crystal is the winner, the other contestants don't even compare it's getting silly, the girl has no competiton...

Siobhan I am thinking it's your time to go, cute butterflies but your funky style is not gonna keep you there..Siobhan, Casey ( I hate to say, still love ya!)and Tim in the bottom 3 with Siobhan going home.....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Almost Perfect!

Freaken Len the only DWTS judge to give Nicole a 9, while the other 2 gave her 10's...even after he said it was the best dance of the season so far, well if that is the case you too should of gave her a 10 you jerk!

So my girl Nicole had the highest score, Arnie's pick Evan had the 2nd, and Rob's Ochocinco is somewhere toward the bottom but he will be safe...

Creeeeeepy watching Jake do Tom Cruise but once again he is probably may be Kate's time to go, she is just a horrible dancer, well she isn't really dancing more like walking and sleeping! Moms keep saving her but I am saying she goes home tonight!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Duh totally forgot that last night was Double Elimination night on Idol! Last week the judges used their only save on Big Mike so 2 had to go bye bye...

So I was half right! Andrew Garcia is finallly gone, you got that one right for sure America, still his best moment was at Hollywood week which was ages ago!

Sweet little Katie got booted off, I so wouldn't have picked her to be the one to go home already I was thinking it would be Aaron but then again all the tweens love him!

Crystal Bowersox you so have the title of Amercia's next Idol in the bag!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Booooo Aiden!

Man Aiden is gone on much better to look at then weirdo Jake and that accent of Aiden's yummy! I did think Aiden was in trouble tho...remember???!!

Onto Idol, last night was Elvis night, and for the first time ever a past contestant was the singer on to help the cast...Adam Lambert! Can we all be over our love fest of Andrew Garcia now??? Seriously he needs to go home, seems like a great nice guy and all but that's not the contest! Bottom 3 Andrew, Aaron Kelly and Siobhan with Andrew going home...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Double Score Showdown

To add just a bit more excitement on last night's DWTS, they did a double score showdown...dancers got scored for technical and perfomance...

Once again Kate did her little I am so down on myself routine, that seems to be working since she keeps getting voted back even tho she is a stiff noodle dancing!

Really are you kidding me...Evan gets the high score of the night even with 2 broken toes! Still too early to gloat Arnie!

My girl Nicole had the second highest score of the night and Rob's dancer Chad had the fourth...

It might be time that Aidan goes home but he is so nice on the eyes, crap maybe it will be Neicy..shit okay let's say Jake actually, yeah the bachelor gets the boot!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Idol Saves

Wow! So did not see that coming....well Andew Garcia in the bottom 2 not a shocker at all but Big Mike!! And then when Ryan said that Andew was safe, I about shit my pants!! That guy has some kind of luck cuase his talent is not showing these days...

Weren't you thinking crap, we still have Chrstyal and Kasey left who the judges would want to use the save on in the future if they need to but Big Mike is worthy of it too...

Yahooooo so exciting when they did use it on Big Mike, the way Big Mike was pumping his hands after he found out so reminded me of Arnie!! So next week 2 go home...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dancing and Idol

Who called it?? That's right I did! Buzz got sent home last night on was between him and Kate Goslin who is just seems like such a bitter person...for sure the nicer and sweeter of the 2 got sent home...

On to Idol...thank God for Chrystal Bowersox and Casey James otherwise last night would have been a yawn fest! Although Lee was good and didn't you feel bad for him when they were making fun of the badpiper he had come on was kinda weird but also weird in a cool way....I am becoming really bored with Andrew Garcia, you can only hold onto the Paula Abdul song you did in Hollywood week for so long, Hollywood week was a lifetime ago and everyone is still waiting for that moment!

Bottom 3 tonight....Aaron Kelly, Andrew Garcia and Siobhan...going home Andrew Garcia!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Sorry house band on DWTS but hearing you sing Paparazzi by Lady Gaga just wasnt' right on the ears, I still chuckle thinking about it....Kate danced to that one and boy did she get ripped by the judges, I thought she was gonna rip their claws out..her death looks are priceless!

Really, really Len a 6 for Nicole what the hell was that about, the other judges give an 8 and a 9 clearly she did a fantastic job..doesn't matter she is safe tonight...

Arnie's pick of Evan was the high score of the night, they didn't even mention his injuries or I somehow missed that part! Clearly his injuries didn't affect his performance....Aiden keep talking I love your damn sexy!

So tonight I am gonna say that Buzz goes home although I am probably wrong on that, he is a terrible dancer but so likeable and sweet!