Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I noticed on my DVR this morning that Biggest Loser started last night and I thought 'huh I usually stay up on this cause I love that show' then remembered why I have already lost interest no more Jillian! Booooooo not even excited to check it out especially with the replacement of Anna Kornakova..huh??? Yes she is an athlete but she ain't no Jillian, why did Jillian have to go off and pursue more of her dreams???!!! Guess I will check it out today...

Kinda surprised with that Elisabetta didn't go home last night on DWTS even Nancy Grace was safe! Booted was Ron Artest, sorry I forgot what he changed his name to and his poor partner this was her first year as a dancing teacher on the show and she only lasted one week..look for my girl Hope to kick butt next week!