Tuesday, September 20, 2011

DWTS Is Back!

Doesn't it feel like the show just ended! Yet here we are again another season of DWTS and the most controversial, eek there is a gay guy Carson Kressley and a transgender Chaz Bono...really people get over yourselves, gay's and transgender folks have been amongst us well for like forever!! How about we judge them like we do all the dancers on their dancing abilities and their personalities...badoop!

So for all the death threats and pressure Chaz didn't do too bad, he scored a 17 which wasn't the best score that went to Chynna and J.R with both getting 22 and the lowest score of the night a 14 that went to Ron Artest he is a bit out there!!

My girl Hope, soccer star, did pretty freaking good she had the second highest score of the night she is safe not only because she is good but she is attractive and had a great personality and well she is my pick damn it!

Who goes home tonight???? I say Elisabetta or Nancy Grace....