Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Crapola!! REALLY! So when they started announcing who is safe on DWTS the second couple that's right the SECOND couple announced safe was Cloris and Corky...Yes I predicted Cloris would go home but shocking I was wrong!!!

Which serioulsy the person sent home was Toni Braxton, she is actually a good dancer and the key word there is she dances, isn't this a dancing show??? Cloris is a neat great lady but come on people she doesn't dance, how far are we gonna let her go just off her fun personality??? Yes, yes, yes I agree for her age she is busten a move and combined with her personality she is winning people over but again I say, Toni Braxton was such a better DANCER!!

Booooooo me! Well at least I still have my one prediction of Rocco going home right!!