Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Called it! Hines takes the Mirror Ball!!! Well I called it too late in the season but oh well!! Shit didn't think Chelsea would be in third place tho, I mean really she was the best dancer next to Hines and Kirstie, but yahooo Kirstie for making it to the Top 2, no one called that when the season started! And she does look much smaller, still not sure if she is the size 6, she claims to be!!

Wow, Olivia and her sister looked AMAZING on last nights Biggest Loser great for them two sisters in the Top 2! Once you saw Olivia you just knew she was gonna be the winner huh??!! And she was, have to admit I fast forwarded to the end to see who won so I need to go back today and see how fantastic everyone did...gonna miss Jillian next season but she is off to adopt a child, so happy for her!

Lauren's gotta take it for Idol tonight, I think this is the first time the Top 2 are country singers! JLo reminds me of me...she just couldn't pick who was gonna win, she could only get herself to say it's close, even tho I was like come on JLo pick someone!!