Thursday, April 28, 2011


Well shit the last 6 standing on Idol are all actually talented so who the hell do you choose to go home tonight??? Okay let's go one by one here....

James - Safe for sure that's a no brainer
Lauren - Duh, she is safe also
Scotty - Chicks dig him and he is always true to his country roots but possible he could go home
Jacob - Damn what a voice bu tpossible he could go home
Casey - Fantastic but might be just a little too out there to become the Idol, so he could get booted
Haley - Haley, Haley, Haley what a freaken voice coming from such a tiny girl! She's been in the bottom the most so could be here also

Great so out of the 6 I know for sure that 2 are safe!! Rolled the dice and it came up Scotty so thats the pick, what a shocker that would be huh??!!