Thursday, January 21, 2010

Honey, Sweety....ughhhhhh!

Ughhhhhhhhhhh the more I see Kara on Idol the more I don't like her she just rubs me the wrong way, I actully used to like her a bit but now that Paula is gone a real bitchy side is coming thru with her..those honey's and sweeties that she says to people just so not genuine, it's like she has been told to be nicer and it's killing her to do so, she looks way more comfortable being mean to people...did you see her with Theo, yeah I know the cape and feathers on his face didn't help but she was all like oh honey oh sweetie oh it just breaks your heart....soooooooooo fake!

The last guy Matt kinda had me tear up, the one who spent 4 years in jail for robbing a bank with a beebee gun when he was 15, cause all the pain he knew he has caused his family and he really wanted a second chance at life and seemed real about it and damn what a voice, as Simon said Brilliant! His dad was so happy when Matt walked out with the yellow ticket loved seeing that joy!