Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yes Ty Is Still In!!!!!/Adam Steals the Night!

Okay well that was a surprise, my guy Ty was safe last night on DWTS and Melissa was in the bottom 2!! did not see that coming....that made me just a tad bit nervous but really there was no way she was going home and its a bye bye to Chuck Wilks and his dance partner and girlfriend Julianne, yeah he was the kind of dancer that was good but you still forgot about him!

Onto as you know last night they sang songs from the Rat Pack and Jaime Foxx coached them...yes Jaime Fox he did win an oscar for playing Ray Charles.....any whoooooo once again Adam stole the show he sang Feeling Good and really the guy is ready for a record deal he is waaaaaay to good for Idol...sadly I think Kris or Allison goes home tonight...I will say Kris, that way we still have a female in the competition and just cause she's female but she has lots of talent too!!