Thursday, April 9, 2009

Save denied Once again!

woo hoo I got the bottom 3 correct on last nights Idol! yep it was Anoop, Lil Rounds and Scott..Hopefully this was a wake up call for Lil Rounds this was her first time in the bottom 3 adn the gal is truly talented just a little lost right now with her style of singing, thank god she ended up being safe and to a lot of folks surprise Anoop was safe also..

So poor Scott sings his heart out while the judges try and figure out if they will use their one and only save of the season on nerve racking was that when Simon let Scott know that 2 out of the 4 judges want to save him, so they kept arguing about it as Scott is standing there begging to let him stay....and then good ole Simon chimes in....okay someone has to make a decision...Scott this is it for you...Scott's face was just so sad at that moment felt so bad for him...Anoop's gotta be next right??!!