Tuesday, October 11, 2011

It's Gotta Be Nancy

Kinda a strange night last night on DWTS, David Arquette and Rob Kardasian scoring higher than Chynna???? She is still totally safe though right, has to be she is one of the best and a sweet person and if you have watched this show long enough you know it's not just a dancing show, it's a popularity contest as well!!

Chaz'a mom you may have heard of her Cher showed up last night so I thought okay he will be safe for that but then he came out and danced and he was actually much better last night so damn it he earned his safe spot this week!! My gal Hope did pretty good she has to be safe...I think it's Nancy Grace's time she's okay but no expression kinda life less when she dances and her personality on the show I don't really connect with...so tonight it's bye bye time for Nancy!