Tuesday, November 9, 2010


ughhhhhhh! Rob and Arnie who NEVER watch and have NEVER watched DWTS have picked to win this year the 2 highest ranked girls Brandi for Rob and Jennifer for Arnie who was falling from grace but has found a way to pick herself up.... so it's a no brainer a duh that they both will make it into the semi finals next week....

So that leaves us with Bristol, how is she still here?? Oh I know how her mama! Yep she gets in the bottom last week so this week Mama Bear decides to show up in a skirt looken all sexy but acting sweet to rally up those votes for her cub...Bristol just may actually make it to the semi finals.........?????

Kyle and Kurt, what to guess what to guess, Kurt has that football loveablility that the show has always embraced and Kyle for the first time got some 10's in his scoring....I say Kurt goes home but I won't be surprised if it's Bristol...