Wednesday, November 24, 2010


All the grizzlies and all the cubs couldn't keep Jennifer Grey from winning last night on DWTS....such a bummer for Bristol:( the judges with their scoring last night insured little Bristol ended up not in 2nd but 3rd, the tea party didnt brew enuough ....yes I know she is a sweet girl but really the finals...Congrats Jennifer

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Perfect Night

Perfect scores for Jennifer last night on DWTS, she really was amazing too bad she won't win! Little Bristol was so bummed that people were saying last week that she doesn't deserve to be there.....hun cause you don't! yes we know you have worked super hard and you don't have any entertainment experience and you think you are the most improved dancer there blah blah blah....fine you are a sweet girl who has come a long way but to think you deserve to be there over Brandi, you are nutso! Kyle do super good as well.....however did you hear the roar of the crowd with boooooos when Bristol didn't get the scores the audience thought she should...and of course mama bear was there to insure the votes for her little cub....I will be surprised if Bristol doesn't win!

So I have watched a little bit of the new show Skating with the Stars and I am not sure about it yet kinda cheesy but I can see it growing on me possibly......

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Okay so yesterday when I wrote in this blog that it would be the shocker of the season if Brandi got kicked off I really didn't think it would happen......seriously seriously Brandi gets kicked off last night on DWTS, and yet again Bristol is safe, not only safe but she makes it to the Finals, the Finals people! I would say go ahead and just hand Jennifer Gray the Trophy but shit at this rate Bristol could be the champ?!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And Then there were 3...

Safe to say Jennifer has made it to the Finals next week on DWTS there is NO chance she is going home a perfect 60 out of 60 last night.....Brandi also has to be safe shit that would be the shocker of the season if she didn't make it, her personality is hit or miss..

But it does come down to Bristol and Kyle who both were surprisingly great weren't they? Yeah Kyle has already been doing well but he actually got higher scores than Brandi, and what the hell Bristol who invaded your body last night...both are so likeable to everyone I have been saying all season that Bristol is the one to go and have been screwed in saying so, sooooooooooooooo what the hell she goes home tonight!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No Surprises/Can't stop watching

No 'whaaaaaat' moments last night on DWTS, it was pretty clear that Kurt was going home and your final four heading off to the semi finals next week are Brandi (most likely your winner), Jennifer, Kyle and yes even Bristol, the Tea Parties new cause!!

Onto Real Housewives of Beverly Hills....freaken car accident, train wreck, freak show drives me nuts everytime I watch yet I still watch! One of the gals actually said last week that the sister to the Maloof brothers that own the Kings and the Palms in Las Vegas is such a low key down to earth gal.....REALLY, if low key is having nannies, personal chefs, personal trainers and a private plane then yeah sure she is low key! ughhhhhhhhh

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


ughhhhhhh! Rob and Arnie who NEVER watch and have NEVER watched DWTS have picked to win this year the 2 highest ranked girls Brandi for Rob and Jennifer for Arnie who was falling from grace but has found a way to pick herself up.... so it's a no brainer a duh that they both will make it into the semi finals next week....

So that leaves us with Bristol, how is she still here?? Oh I know how her mama! Yep she gets in the bottom last week so this week Mama Bear decides to show up in a skirt looken all sexy but acting sweet to rally up those votes for her cub...Bristol just may actually make it to the semi finals.........?????

Kyle and Kurt, what to guess what to guess, Kurt has that football loveablility that the show has always embraced and Kyle for the first time got some 10's in his scoring....I say Kurt goes home but I won't be surprised if it's Bristol...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Say What?

Well my prediction to go home last night on DWTS was at least in the bottom 2! It was down to Kyle and Rick Fox, and I was sure it was a slam dunk Kyle was getting the boot...drum roll......Rick gets sent home! Just like last week when Audrina got sent home remember Bristol is still there just like she is now, Tea Party do you have to make your point even on a Reality show???!!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The big 200th episode celebration was last night on DWTS and to celebrate they had past champs and past memorable contestants on to judge with the exception of Kristi and Apollo who formed teams with this seasons dancers, and hellooooooo shit Team Apollo had the win before they even hit the dance floor...Brandy, Jennifer and Kurt..okay so Kurt was the weak link took on Team Kristi...Kyle, Ricka and Bristol and duh Team Apollo took that win..

Really Kelly and Giles, the only non champs of the judges were also the only ones not to give their dancers a 10, and Kelly saying Bristol had tough shoes to fill, which were Kellys shoes a little full of yourself don't ya think..of course Brandy and Jennifer are atop the leader board at this point its a crap shoot as to who goes home but I will guess Kyle....